Monday, May 9, 2011

A Little Late

Larry blowing out his birthday candle.

Jared & Jordan being goofy.

Emma enjoying her cupcake.

Hanna Banana

Poor Carlee......Daddy messed with her hair.

Larry and Rhonda

Hanna (nice hair), Carter, Emma & Carlee in the tub

Kids playing with Fun Foam

The monsters.

Carlee and Emma

Hanna and Emma

The girlies

While Carter is off to school, the girls played with the dollies.

Emma swinging.


Hanna and Jay

Such a cutie

The girls thought our steers were pretty cool.   (Jay had to confuse them and told them they weren't cows.)

The girls down by the pond.

Emma was extremely scared of the 4-wheeler sound.  We had to walk down to the pond and meet the others there.

My girlie

Carlee and her daddy

Kids and I took a picnic lunch to a park in Edgar

The girls on the tire swing.

Miss Carlee

All the kids in the Tree House in Edgar

Sisterly love....

Emma in her glory....she loves swings!

Who is going to slide down first?

Carter being silly.

Carlee being funny.

 me and the crazies!!

I'm a little late with the post.  Last week was a pretty busy one.  In addition to my kids, I had Angie's from Sunday night 'til Thursday morning.  It was pretty interesting.  Day #1 went really well.  I thought day #2 would go a little better because Carter would be in school and I'd only have the girls, but Hanna & Emma ganged up on Carlee a little bit.  They kept taking toys away from her (nothing she's not already used to because of Carter) and being a little bossy.  It actually ended up being easier with all four of them because  Carter seemed to keep the girls occupied quite a bit.  I guess more than I  Overall we all had a great time.  It was nice to see the table full at meal time.  ;-)

Mother's Day was nice.  I received a Hydrangea from the kids.  Carter gave me one from my first Mother's Day, but had to leave it at our place in Medford when we moved here.  :-(  So it was nice to see another one.  I'll get to plant that as soon as it warms up a bit.  While Carlee napped, I was able to get my potatoes and onions planted in the garden.  I thought I'd be able to till up the garden myself, but I didn't make it very far.  I got to about the 4th row and it felt like my arms were going to fall off!  Thankfully, Jay was there to help me finish so I could get my planting done.  I ended the day with grocery shopping.  Yeah I know that doesn't sound like much fun, but it's sure much easier to do when the hubby stays home with the kids and I don't have to drag them along.

Our flower seeds we planted a few weeks ago are doing pretty good.  The cosmos are already about 4" high!

 au revoir!

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