Saturday, April 30, 2011

He Won't Do That Again.....I Hope

Yesterday I received a call from Carter’s teacher.  She opened up with, “Everyone is fine, but I thought I’d give you a call to let you know what happened at school today.”  My first thought is that he fell on the playground or something similar to that.  Nope……while Carter was waiting in the lunch line, he pulled the fire alarm!  The whole school had to evacuate because it was figured out too late that Carter had done this on accident.  Yikes!!  He didn’t get into trouble or anything, but because the alarm went off the Marathon City cop came automatically.  The cop had a good talk with the whole 4K class about the importance of the fire alarm and when the alarm should be pulled.   The teacher told me she actually giggled over it because that hadn’t happened to her yet.  She also reminded me not to feel bad because other teachers also agreed that this was a good drill for everyone.  Carter was pretty shaken up about it and she said he felt really bad and he was pretty quiet since it had happened.  Poor kid!  But I hope he learned a lesson from that.  I called Jay to tell him what happened and he laughed!  I talked to my dad and he wanted me to tell Carter that he was proud of him.  Imagine that!  Boys will be boys!

Easter Sunday was fun!  The kids had a blast finding their eggs.  It was the first year Carlee understood what was going on.  Later on in the morning we went to a church service in Medford because Ashley, Marissia and Penny were all being baptized.   I missed more than half of it because Carlee wanted to run, so I had to take her to the back.  But that wasn’t enough…..I had to take her outside because she wanted to mess with things in the welcoming area too.  Sheesh!  Thankfully, it was nice outside and we walked around down towards the Mill Pond where she kept herself occupied by throwing twigs in the pond.   Had a great time at Shelly’s place with family!  Wish I woud've been able to snap some good pictures, but I was the picture taker with Shelly's camera so I didn't get any with mine.

I admit I watched a few hours of the Royal Wedding.  My alarm didn’t go off at 3:00 like it should have, but I woke up at 3:45 on my own and hurried to turn the television on.  What a special couple….they’ll make beautiful children.  J  The news was comparing how different Prince William is to his father, Prince Charles.  They mentioned how Prince Charles has never put his own toothpaste on his toothbrush!  Really?!  I mentioned this to Jay and with a straight face, he said “Well, I guess he’s like our children.”   I laughed because it’s so true.  My kids do get treated like a prince and a princess sometimes.  The same goes for our dog!  Sam isn’t the one who has to go out in the yard with a bucket and garden tool to pick up his dog poo….no, it’s me!  He must be related to the Royal family also.  lol   I admire the fact that Prince William actually wants to do things for himself.

the kids at the park

carlee and carter


jay with the kids

carlee just a swingin'

i just had to take this picture.  i was taking clothes off the line when i noticed that this looked pretty funny. 
carlee is NOT in this picture....i wouldn't hang her on the clothesline.  lol

carter climbing up his new ladder that jay built him today.  at least that huge pine tree is actually good for something.

tree hugger

carter & jay

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